Holiday in Mozambique – The 5 Best Spots for Locals
A place of vibrant cultures and people, exquisite beaches, and local seafood inspired cuisine that is simply mouth-watering, there are many places along the long and winding coastline that make for an idyllic holiday in Mozambique. Even if you are a local.
As one of Southern Africa’s biggest countries, Mozambique offers so much to do, to see and to explore. With a 4×4 vehicle, a few supplies and a healthy dose of excitement, local getaways are capable of reviving the weary soul, especially in these crazy times.
Now is without a doubt the very best time to take advantage of some of the best Mozambique beaches and head to some of the most scenic destinations Mozambique has hidden away. These are just a handful of the places that every local should visit.
1. Inhambane Old City
Taking a tour of your local stomping grounds, or a city you’ve always just passed though on your way to a favourite beach destination (like our Lodge) is an option you can consider. How about day tripping and taking a Inhambane Old City Tour.
Lively markets and historic buildings that show the charm of one of the oldest settlements on the Mozambican coast, await. Take a look at the many city tour on off here.
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2. Guinjata Bay
Close to Inhambane, lies the peaceful enclave that is Guinjata Bay. And close to the bay is the scenic Jangamo Beach, Coconut Bay and Paindane beach, some of the best Mozambique beaches. To get here, you will need a reliable 4×4 vehicle and a steady nerve to navigate the sandy roads. But once you reach your destination, the magnificent view and myriad of water activities will make for a relaxed trip. Guinjata Bay is home to some of the most secluded lodges, such as Golden Palms Beach Resort and Lodge , ideal for anyone wanting ultimate privacy while on holiday in Mozambique.
Image Source: Kevin Trench Photography
3. Gorongosa National Park
Gorongosa National Park is known internationally as one of the most successful reserve rehabilitation stories. The Park was the globe trotter choice for celebrities in the 1970s but its animal populations were decimated in wars and political upheaval since then until in 2004 a restoration effort began to restore the Park to its former glory. Now visitors can wonder at the myriad of animal species and volume of animals that call the park home all thanks to conversationists efforts. Book your visit today. More info here.
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4. Maputo Inner City
The main city of Mozambique has its many layers and something to offer every person and many tour operators now offer day tours and walking tours in interesting parts of the city with a variety of themes. Why not reconsider Maputo from a different perspective? Tour info.
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5. Where are you?
You are on a horse, on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, and you are just a few minutes’ drive away from Maputo. Where are you? Maccaneta beach of course. Same day tours are now offered from Maputo to Macaneta beach where you get to go galloping astride a majestic beast on a majestic beach. More info.
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6. Pomene
With its warm waters, and endless beaches, Pomene is an oasis of calm, situated within a protected national park. The ocean waters off the coast of Pomene are filled with all sorts of beautiful marine life, some of which can be viewed right from the beach.
Whale watching, scuba diving, and snorkelling are popular ways to pass the time, but one of the best ways to enjoy a holiday here is to simply put your feet in the sand and enjoy the healthy ocean air.
If you grow bored and want to get a little more active, you can go hiking around the area, and visit the ruins of an old colonial hotel, behind which is a hidden cove with astounding blowholes. You can also venture into the local village and while there stock up on local baked goods from the family run bakery.
Image Source: Crushmag-Online
7. The Bazaruto Archipelago
Worth the drive up the Mozambican coast, the Bazaruto Archipelago with its breathtaking dune islands and hypnotically stunning beaches just offer an experience that any local Moz resident needs to have checked of their ‘must-see’ list to ensure their ‘local’ credentials remain firmly in place and what a favour you will be doing yourself. Because of their protected status, coral reefs around the Magaruque and Santa Carolina islands also teem with amazing animals including dugongs. Get your snorkel and bird watching binoculars and plan your trip to visit the Archipelago today!
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8. Linga Linga
The destination is in quite a difficult to reach place, meaning you will either have to take a boat ride from Inhambane to get there, or tackle the rustic roads in a 4×4 vehicle. But with its truly African name and a warm African vibe, Linga Linga a must-visit for locals. Although the journey there is trying, the destination is worth it. A trip here will require you to stock up on the essentials, as most accommodation is self-catering.
Image Source: Pinterest
9. Inhaca Islands
The only way to get to the tranquil Inhaca Islands is by ferry, which is itself an exciting journey. It is the ideal place for long romantic walks on the beach, swimming and generally just enjoying some downtime. One of the most notable things about the Inhaca Islands is its delicious seafood cuisine. The seafood is freshly prepared and since you are on holiday, you have every excuse to indulge in the flavours.
Image Source: Danatours
10. Tunduru Botanical Gardens
Not every exciting destination in Mozambique is to be found on some picturesque beach. If you are willing to brave the busy Capital of Maputo, you can visit the Tunduru Botanical Gardens. The perfect place for a picnic, this 19th century garden is filled with all kinds of indigenous plants and trees. If you are looking for a day break, this is the ideal place to spend your time.
Image Source: Tripadvisor
5 melhores locais para locais de férias em Moçambique
Um lugar de culturas e pessoas vibrantes, praias requintadas e culinária inspirada em frutos do mar local que é simplesmente de dar água na boca, há muitos lugares ao longo da costa longa e sinuosa que fazem umas férias idílicas em Moçambique. Mesmo se você é um local.
Como um dos maiores países da África Austral, Moçambique oferece muito o que fazer, ver e explorar. Com um veículo 4×4, alguns suprimentos e uma boa dose de emoção, as escapadelas locais são capazes de reviver a alma cansada, especialmente nesses tempos de loucura.
Agora é sem dúvida o melhor momento para tirar proveito de algumas das melhores praias de Moçambique e seguir para alguns dos destinos mais belos que Moçambique escondeu. Estes são apenas alguns dos lugares que todo local deveria visitar.
1. Pomene
Com suas águas quentes e praias sem fim, Pomene é um oásis de calma, situado dentro de um parque nacional protegido. As águas oceânicas ao largo da costa de Pomene estão repletas de todos os tipos de vida marinha bonita, algumas das quais podem ser vistas diretamente da praia.
Observação de baleias, mergulho e snorkeling são maneiras populares de passar o tempo, mas uma das melhores maneiras de desfrutar de umas férias aqui é simplesmente colocar os pés na areia e aproveitar o ar saudável do oceano.
Se você ficar entediado e quiser se tornar um pouco mais ativo, poderá fazer caminhadas pela área e visitar as ruínas de um antigo hotel colonial, atrás da qual há uma enseada escondida com bolhas de ar surpreendentes. Você também pode se aventurar na vila local e, enquanto houver estoque de produtos de panificação locais da padaria de gerência familiar.
2. Baía de Guinjata
Perto de Inhambane, fica o pacífico enclave que é a Baía de Guinjata. E perto da baía é a cênica praia de Jangamo, Coconut Bay e Paindane. Para chegar aqui, você precisará de um veículo 4×4 confiável e um nervo firme para navegar pelas estradas arenosas. Mas quando você chegar ao seu destino, a vista magnífica e as inúmeras atividades aquáticas farão uma viagem descontraída.
A Baía de Guinjata abriga algumas das pousadas mais isoladas, ideais para quem deseja privacidade absoluta durante as férias.
3. Linga Linga
O destino é um local bastante difícil de alcançar, o que significa que você terá que fazer um passeio de barco a partir de Inhambane para chegar lá, ou percorrer as estradas rústicas em um veículo 4×4. Mas com seu nome verdadeiramente africano e uma atmosfera calorosa, Linga Linga é uma visita obrigatória para os habitantes locais.
Embora a jornada lá esteja tentando, o destino vale a pena. Uma viagem aqui exigirá que você estude o essencial, pois a maioria das acomodações é auto-suficiente.
4. Ilhas Inhaca
A única maneira de chegar às tranquilas Ilhas Inhaca é de balsa, que por si só é uma jornada emocionante. É o local ideal para longos passeios românticos na praia, nadando e geralmente apenas desfrutando de algum tempo de inatividade. Uma das coisas mais notáveis das Ilhas Inhaca é sua deliciosa culinária de frutos do mar. Os frutos do mar são preparados na hora e, como você está de férias, tem toda a desculpa para saborear os sabores.
5. Jardim Botânico de Tunduru
Nem todo destino emocionante em Moçambique pode ser encontrado em alguma praia pitoresca. Se você estiver disposto a enfrentar a movimentada capital de Maputo, poderá visitar o Jardim Botânico de Tunduru. O local perfeito para um piquenique, este jardim do século XIX está repleto de todos os tipos de plantas e árvores indígenas. Se você está procurando um dia de folga, este é o local ideal para passar seu tempo.